Friday, September 18, 2009

Lean is in-Part II

To improve the productivity in construction is vital, given the market condition and tightened supply of raw materials. It is a bed time story in the construction industry that performance improvement-even at a small scale can have significant impact on the economy of real estate markets and thence on the national economy.

Demand for improvement in the construction industry will provide higher quality in the output, reduce construction costs and thereby end product pricing, help in offering a better process and end product to the customer and increase safety and conditions at the construction site.

Aliens Group and other builders, having realized that this is the best way so far to reach their goals, have adopted techniques of lean construction in their construction process.

Two of the well known strategies employed in Lean construction are:

Making construction like manufacturing: to reduce the complexity of construction processes to a level where the principles from the ordered world of manufacturing can be used/applied directly for improved efficiency and simplified implementation

Developing construction as a process: making the process in a way such that more and more processes of the construction are done offsite, thereby making the construction site work mere assembling work, thereby giving more scope for strategy and planning.

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